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Survey from Kenneth
2:20 a.m. - 2005-01-09

Stolen from Kenneth's live journal

[my name is]: Julie Anne -----

[in the morning i was]:Sleeping!
[all i need now is]: Sleep but Im doing this survey
[love is]: something im not in right now but maybe someday
[i'm afraid of]: Insects. Eeeew. And failure. And disappointing people I care for.
[i dream about]: Finding the "one" for me, and my trip to Atlanta in (hopefully) June! :)

** Series one - your:
-- Middle name: Anne
-- Birth time: 2:22am
-- Birthplace: Phoenixville,PA
-- Last place travelled: Indian River campgrounds on the outskirts of Rohoboth Beach, Delaware over Thanksgiving
-- Eye Color: Brown
-- Nail Color: Unpainted
-- Zodiac Sign: Libras cause we have the most fun! :)

** Series two - describe:
-- Your heritage: Polish(very Polish!),German, British, Welsh, and American Indian(More specifically, the Blackfoot tribe)
-- The shoes you wore today: Black work shoes
-- Your hair: Short and brown
-- Your weakness: On a guy...a kick ass personality and nice eyes and smile.
-- Your perfect pizza:TD Alfredo's pizza w/pepperoni, extra cheese and onions!

** Series three - what is:
-- Your most overused phrase: BOO!
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Did I oversleep or not?
-- Your current worry: Will I ever find the one for me?
-- Your plans tomorrow: Eat. Football. Work.
-- Your best physical feature: Id have to say my arms
-- Your bedtime: Depends when I gotta work the next day!

** Series four - you prefer:
-- sunrise or sunset: sunset
-- gore or horror: neither
-- eastside or westside: eastside
-- stripes or polka dots: stripes
-- Planes or trains: planes
-- metal or hardcore: neither
-- Boxers or briefs: boxers
-- Pools or hot tubs: Dude, I love both!

** Series five - do you:
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes, once.
-- Want to get married: Yes someday
-- Like to take baths: Yeah I like to soak now and then in one.
-- Get motion sickness: Very, very rarely
-- Like talking on the phone: Yeah
-- Like thunderstorms: Ehhh...
-- Play an instrument: Used to play the clarinet
-- Workout: No
-- Like reading: Yes

** Series six - favorite:
-- Body part: Arms
-- Kind of fruit: strawberries
-- Music to fall asleep to: I rarely fall asleep to music. I usually need TOTAL silence to sleep but sometimes I pop in my Sarah McLachlan "Surfacing" CD and fall asleep
-- Car: My baby...aka my 2000 red Ford Focus
-- Number: 8
-- Thing to do: Sing, write(song lyrics, in my diary, and pieces for my baseball "journalism" site), watch sports and movies. Be with friends. Shop. Smile! :)
-- Color: Green
-- Food: Lo Mein w/sesame chicken, tacos, and spaghetti!

** Series eight - the future:
-- Age you hope to be married: Dunno
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: In a church, with my friends and family all there, and with good food, music, and of course a lovely reception and a big cake...lol
-- How do you want to die: In my sleep when I am very old
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Uhhh
-- What country would you most like to visit: Poland because of my strong hertiage, and Russia.

** Series nine - opposite sex:
-- Best eye color: Doesnt matter
-- Best hair color: Doesnt matter
-- Best personality trait: Ability to make me smile
-- Best height: any
-- Best articles of clothing: Casual but not a major prep.
-- Best first date location: Dunno.
-- Best first kiss location: Anywhere!

** Series ten - finish:
-- I eat: Stuff I love...lol
-- I think: Waaaaaaay too much
-- I am: Ok I guess
-- I adore: My adorable cats!
-- I suck at: Math...and talking about how I feel
-- I am obsessed with: Baseball, Nascar, football, hockey, music...
-- I can: Sing well. Talk for hours on end. Tell you everything you wanna know about baseball. Eat a lot of Chinese food.
-- I can't wait: Until I goto Atlanta!!!
-- I am annoyed with: People who put shoes on the bed(Slippers are ok) cause i dont wanna sleep with blankets that have shoe dirt on em. Eeeew! Also, hypocrisy and people who can poke fun at your sports team and when you poke fun at theirs and they get mad and offended.
-- I miss: My sanity! lol!

Current music-"Symptoms of you"-Lindsey Lohan



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