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Missing the Midnight Crew
9:52 p.m. - 2003-10-17

First off, Chris is my best friend in the world...without him I dont know where Id be. We met by a mutual friend, my friend Krissy,whom I met in 3rd grade. Krissy had to repeat 7th grade and she met Chris when she repeated. Well, when Krissy was in 10th grade, and I was a junior,we had 1st period Spanish classes next door to each other. That's where I met Chris. Chris kinda thought I was a little out there I think,lol. Later that year, I got fed up with the people at Krissy's lunch table.Except one person, none of em liked me. Very snotty people...but Krissy makes friends with every single type of person so this didnt shock me lol. So I joined Chris at his table. When in December of my senior year, I got AOLTV....I IMd Chris one night(During my junior year,he gave me his email address) and we became the best of friends...and shared some of the best laughs ever. We also were in AP history together...(Hey WWG...who or what is a DBQ??? Fight for the pencil! And people farmed maybe!) I miss the Midnight Crew. We stayed up all night past midnight so RMJ(Janine aka Nean,NeanerBeaner and Shorty) gave us the name the Midnight Crew.

Began over Christmas break my senior year of high school.

Or is it?????

Then we included my friend Janine in the chats. She became in the "group" and the three of us talked online everynight. But the MC had a secret, well I did. I was falling for Chris and ironically,it seemed as if Janine was falling for him too....and it seemed he liked her too.

Traditionally, we all met online after school and chatted. Well usually it was Chris who IMd me first and gave me the chat room link. Well Nean IMd me and said "Jules? Chris and I are going out." I couldn't help but cry. Chris and I shared our deepest secrets with each other and I was jealous, hurt and I even felt betrayed.

It didnt take much for me to feel like a 3rd wheel in the chats, when they did their "hugs" and "i love you's" and personally,as happy as I tried to be,the longer they went out,the more upset I felt.

One night, I came home from work. If memory serves me right,it was a Friday night. Yeah, come to think of it, it was. I signed online, told Nean and Chris I was gonna take a shower and I'd be right back for a chat. I came on and Nean frantically IMd me that she broke up with Chris.

Ok now what do you think youd do? Would you go for the friend you were falling for or be there for him? Now they werent even dating a month,so I thought Chris would be like "Oh well, ok, thats life."

No. It didnt go like that. Chris was devastated. He found it hard to go on and I stayed up countless nights,most of all the night of the breakup to get him through it. He was hurting bad and he needed someone. I was told if I didnt stay up to chat, he wouldve ended it all. :(

Well lets fast forward to Chris being better. He likes this girl at church and is going out with her to her school's basketball game. He tells me to NOT TELL Janine. I guess about post breakup jealously shit or whatnot. Dunno,never asked.

Well during chorus, the words spilled out. I told Neaner to not say a word but she went off and told Chris. Chris IMd me that afternoon and my stomach fell to the ground, I betrayed him and he was never more hurt by anyone before. He trusted me,his best friend.

To make that even more unbearable, I sat next to him in AP History. Usually each day was greeted with a "Hey" and some kind of wierd inside joke. But the next day was nothing but cold silence.

About a week later I saw him online and IMd him to give me another chance. He complied but I think kind of reluctantly.

Months passed,many months...and things began taking shape as they had before but the MC seemed to not talk as much. I didnt know why. None of us did.

But Chris and I have had our usual chats. He is the first person I ever had a real heart to heart chat with. He is the only person who knows me inside out.

Janine(Shortstuff!!!!!!!!!!!) is always going to be a special friend. We met when she was a freshman and I was a sophomore,while we were waiting out in front of the school for our moms to pick us up. We've been through guy problems,musicals,Spanish "GO FISH" in between scenes in the musicals weve been in together, and a lot of fun in between.

I dont know why we all drifted from being the MC. But we live on in my mind.

Chris-WWG {

----------The only two WW's ever to live...

Julie-WWJ {


And WWG, never forget..."People farmed, maybe"

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