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My mind is back and Im writing
12:32 a.m. - 2005-03-13

Long time no write...

Get over it. Who missed me? Hehe... :)

Anyway on Tuesday I was bored and was searching the aol personals site run by match.com and I met a cool guy named Kurt on it who lives like 10 minutes from me and I sent him an IM and on Wednesday we met at Wawa for a coffee and we wound up hanging out in his jeep for an hour or so and then went to the parking lot for the grocery store across the street cause the Wawa people were giving us looks like, umm...youre taking up parking spots and youre not even buying anything else. So we chilled across the street in his cool and cozy jeep and he finds it hysterical to tickle me lol and vice versa and he is so cool and were going out again on Wednesday for dinner this time and to hang out afterwards which seems cool as hell and I cant wait for that.

And a work update: 3 consecutive days of Adam and I not fighting. New record... LOL,even I am surprised! As is most of the dayshift staff. And Chris, the cook who I used to like was a real dickhead today and refused to let Lisa use a cart to bring up all the dressings she needed. So when he wasnt looking, I took it and gave it to Lisa. He didnt even notice it was missing and when he did he bitched about it but the thing is, the stuff on it was stuff for broil side prep that he couldnt put anywhere else cause the kitchen manager was the opening manager today and we all knew he would get fussy over it. Plus when Joe opens(He is the kitchen manager), Lisa and I are unable to convince him to let us put the country music on. With Lester, the GM, even though he is a total ass, we can get HIM to put it on cause he likes it. Ellen, and Bruce dont really care what we have on as long as it isnt rap but when Bruce opens we usually have classic rock on which is good shit. Jim? We can get our way with him and put on whatever we freaking want. When we did prep today, Joe had on his damn hip hop music which we managed to get changed to "Hits of the 80s" which wasnt much better but hey I got a Billy Joel song here and there and that made it better. "Uptown girl" and "Allentown"...gimme a hell yeah baby!!! :-D

Anyway, Nascar race at Vegas tomorrow. Boooo Kurt Busch! And booooo Jimmie! Youre going DOWN, you PUNKS! :D I need this race badly lol cause Im in racing withdrawl in the words of Jill, "LIKE WHOA!"...hehe. So this at least gives me something to do. And its on the west coast so it starts later out here. Gives me time to clean up my room which is in desperate need of a good cleaning. And I bought "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind" today at Walmart and would you believe I got carded for buying it? Given, its R rated but I never got carded to buy a movie. Anyway I hope I like it. Cause it is a Jim Carrey movie and honestly I am not a fan of any of his movies. But this is more of a serious film, not one of his stupid movies like "Dumb and dumber"(No offense, Chris), so maybe this will be different. I hear a lot of people say that they like this as much as "Garden State" which I wound up loving, so I will take this as a good sign. Anyway I am rambling.



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