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Car fun and a returning face
9:34 p.m. - 2005-01-25

I have to get the fuel pump on my car fixed on Friday. Cause its going bad due to a recall on Ford fuel pumps.

Karen, the dayshift bartender is giving me a lift to work on Friday, and after work, Adam aka super hot host is taking me to get my car back. Yay yay! And we were talking before we started the second half of our doubles today and a song by Boston came on("Dont look back") and I began singing. He asked who sang it, and I said Boston and he goes, oh yeah thats right, but theyre not as good as Journey. I said true, but Journey isnt as good as Styx. He told me that Steve Perry of Journey has the best voice ever. My rebuttle? "Well then you never gave a good listen to Dennis DeYoung of Styx! His voice is out of this world?" And he said "Better than Rod Stewart?" I was in shock. He is into the same "older" music as me! We have another common bond, lol. He is great. And yes, Im a dork.

Chris? Oh yeah. I went into the back around 130 to look for a dry towel and couldnt find any. So I ask Chris, who is breaking down carboard boxes if he has any. He says "Sorry Miss Julie! I dont..." And I say, "Chris, youre too, too kind to me." He said as he laughed, "Why you always picking on me?" So what did I do? Did I actually say anything?



I replied, "Cause I only pick on people that I like." I tapped his shoulder, smiled and walked over to Tonya and asked her if she wanted to split an appetizer sampler with me. I didnt give Chris a chance to reply to me. I figured Id let him think....lol..

Ok then I go on break. Shilyn threw a tissy fit cause they asked her to close today and she felt "lightheaded". Ugh. So I closed lunch for her. Anyway....

I goto my car dealership where I got my car and they set me up to goto a Ford dealership on Thursday. I drop the car off after work, and my mom is picking me up from the dealership and dropping me off. As mentioned, Karen is my ride to work on Friday. She comes in at 930 and I got the ok to be a half hour late because 1) I was never late before and 2) We have 3 other openers and theyll be fine until I come in at 930. And Adam is taking me to pick my car up cause he is a sweetie like that. I didnt ask him to. I was sitting down before I started my double and had my head down. He asked if I was allright and I said yeah, once I get a damn ride to pick my car up on Friday and he said he'd do that for me. What a doll. After all, Im his SSB!(Special Server Buddy)

I was standing around before I had my first table and guess who came in. Essam. TONIGHT was his first night back on. I walked up to him and he said, "If it isnt Julie!" And he gave me a huge ass hug and said he missed me.

Other than that, an event free day.

Current music~"When I think about cheatin'"~Gretchen Wilson



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