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10:37 p.m. - 2005-01-09

I stole this from someone on Nena's live journal friend list. Im a thief.

a. Choose 10 people from your friends list at random
b. Write something about/to each of them.
c. Don't tell anyone who the statements are about. Good or bad. No matter how they beg.

1)Even though you're a few years younger than me, youre one of the most mature and sweetest guys I know. I only hope to get to know you better over time.

2)You always know what Im thinking and even though sometimes we seem worlds apart, we always have each others backs. Slight differences aside, you always have my back, and believe in me and my dreams. Youre a friend who is truly one of a kind.

3)Always willing to listen about my "boring" days, youre someone who I can always count on a chat about guys, sports, or anything under the sun.

4)Over time you have become on of the best friends I could ever ask for. Im always here for you as I always was. Despite our different views on many things, youre still a great person. Dont change!

5)Youre such a goof, girl...but its that very quality that makes us such good friends. We never take each other "too" seriously but know what matters in life. Youre a great friend and an even better person!

6)No matter what you say, youre one of the best people I know and fate and a misunderstanding put you into my life. Always the joker, you never fail to make me smile no matter how bad I am feeling.

7)Youre an amazing person who shares a lot in common with me. I just wish we were closer together so we could get to know each other better.

8)Without you, I dont know where Id be sometimes. A great friend and the big brother I never had. How I got lucky enough to have you as a friend, I dont know but Im glad I do. Take care of yourself always.

9)Youre too critical of yourself sometimes but youre a wonderful person. Youre a unique, free spirit and I sincerly hope you follow your dreams, whatever they may be.

10)You and I go way back but we hardly get to talk anymore even though I know you read this site. I hope we can still talk more often. Youre a great person!




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