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A nice night...enter Jake and Tim
10:19 p.m. - 2004-12-17

I worked in the dishroom tonight and the whole night I was bugging the new server, Tim, just as I had today when i was serving on the dayshift. After I ate my food when I was done, I was leaving the dishroom from putting my plate away and I saw Jake sitting at a table waiting for Laura and her b/f Rico to take them home cause he was their ride tonight. Laura wasnt done for another half hour so I sat down and began talking to him. Somehow we got to talking about our cars. We both own a Ford Focus. His is a black 2001 hatchback and mine is a red 2000 coupe. And he asked what my first car was and I got to talking about how my ex's mother was the one who helped me find it. Then I slipped out the question, "Are you seeing anyone right now?" And he turned all red and said "Nope." :D Well, before he went to see if Laura and Rico were done, I told him Id see him tomorrow at the meeting and he gave me a hug and told me to drive carefully, lol.

Then I went to put my plate in the dishroom, and Tim was behind me with to go cartons to fill in for the sidestations, and I stopeed in front of him and he pushed me out the kitchen's exit door and I pushed him to the wall and told him to stop picking on me, and he laughed, and said I make him the pick-ee. I said in mock sadness, "My Tim doesnt love me anymore." I walked away and he ran over to me and put his arm around me and said, "Awwww come here." Then he asked if I wanted to goto breakfast with a few others from work after the meeting tomorrow w/him if he isnt needed to work after it. I told him Id love to but I am scheduled to work tomorrow, lol. He said he'd give me a raincheck for a later date.




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