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I have a plan...
1:03 p.m. - 2004-11-21

Fuck yesterday. I was supposed to serve yesterday mornign but they failed to schedule a carside person so they put me on it and I made 9 bucks and I was on call for the night shift. I told my manager I wanted to work that night cause I didnt make a THING on carside when I was SUPPOSED to be serving. So he said I could be silverware closer. I was all psyched cause Id be closing and so would Jake (See prior entry for who he is).

I come back in and they put me in for first cut. Bullshit. But on the plus side I did get to chill with Jake for a bit before I had any tables when he came. I dont even remember what the hell we were talking about but we were sitting down on the carside bench talking until my manager told me to get up and do something, lol. But later oe of my tables needed a side of guacamole and that's on the line in Jake's fry side station and I had to have him get it for me and he said "For you, you bet I will." Dork.

Well I had expo line for sidework and the expo line is the other side of where the cooks are, and as I was detailing the trivets and dubops, I was talking to him and he was frustrated cause his fry side was geting swamped by having to make wings, lol. So we were still talking and shit and I tell him when Im done, Im gonna order a triple chocolate meltdown(That's on fry side) and he said he didnt mind making it for me ;) And he did and we wound up talking again and everytime he looked my way, he smiled more than I see him smile any other time.

I have plans. Oh, do I have a plan.

Current music~"100 Years"-Five for Fighting



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