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Thank You
survey i stole off of a page from kaytee's diary
7:01 p.m. - 2004-11-17

1. Name: Julie
2. Nickname(s): Jules, Gabby, Apple Daughter, 10-10-321, That freaking Braves fan, Mrs. Staley(Thanks a lot, Chris) and Matt used to call me Yankabee
7. Shoe size: 8
8. How many piercings?: One hole in each ear
9. Tattooes?: None
10. When you wake up you're: Optimistic and smiling most of the time. Im a morning person!
11. When your about to sleep you're: Tired
14. Righty or Lefty: Righty
15. Innie or Outie: Innie

Section Two: Looks
17. Nationality:Short brown hair, brown eyes. BORRRING
18. Hair color: See above
19. Eye color: See above
20. Weight: 120 pounds
21. Height: 5'4"
22. Braces?: Used to.
23. Glasses?: Yeah. I wear em' to drive and see small things on TV/online

Section Three: Private Life
24. Do you have a boyfriend?: Nope
25. If so, who?:
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: Evan
27. Who has a crush on you?: Ha! That's hysterical.
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: Yeah on my nonexsistent one haha
29. Who was your first kiss: Some guy named Justin
30. Who was your last: Um, see above?
31. Are you a virgin?: Yes
32. Ever had a threesome before?: Um, no.
33. If you could have sex with anyone, who would that be?: Dunno really. Maybe a b/f. Again, I dont have one.
34. Have you ever been in love?: Once
35. Broken any hearts?: Dunno
36. Got your heart broken?: Yes
37. Ever liked a friend?: Yea
38. What happened?: He wound up liking another one of our friends and dated her for a month, she dumped him...

Section Four: Past Relationships..
39. How many relationships have you been in: 6 if you count the one that involved that first kiss guy. We talked on the phone one day and he was like "Im sorry but I have to break up with you." I didnt even know we were dating! LOL! 5 if you count Antaeus as one relationship even though we went out on 2 different occasions.
40. How many were serious enough to count: 1
41. Who were those serious ones: I dont care to discuss
42. Funnest hook-ups: Essam...lol *smiles*
43. What made them different: It wasnt that anything major happened, its just that he was good at what we did. Nuff' said.
44. What happened: Not saying
45. Best boy/girlfriend:Cory was the nicest
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: Do dreams count?
47. Ever been kissed: Yes
48. Who do you want back: No one.
49. Who do you regret: No comment
5o. Why: Well, because!

Section Five: Favorites
51. Song: Take my breath away-Berlin
52. Movie: Little Big League
53. Food: Lo Mein
54. Drink: Dr. Pepper, Orange Juice
55. Store: Target and Kohl's
56. Television show: Baseball Tonight, Sportscenter, 8 Simple Rules
57. Holiday: Christmas and 4th of July
58. Book: Icy Sparks
59. Ice cream: Mint choc. chip
60. Candy: Gummy bears
61. Chip:Sour cream and onion
62. Type of music: Country and Rock
63. Artist: To name a few...Billy Joel, Brad Paisley, Mariah Carey, Shakira, Jessica Andrews, Styx, Chicago, Journey, Boston, Amy Grant...
64. Word: Duh, lol
65. Time of day: Late afternoon
66. Dressing: Blue Cheese and Ranch
67. Alcoholic drink: Strawberry margaritas, swedish fish(MMMM!), Kahlua mocha coffee, and cosmopolitans w/Smirnoff orange. YUM!!!
68. Color(s): Green
69. Piece of clothing: My jerseys! Braves(Marcus Giles), Flyers(Simon Gagne) and Eagles(David Akers, Donovan McNabb and Brian Westbrook)
70. Character: Rory on 8 Simple Rules
71. Smell: Chocolate
72. Shampoo:Suave blueberries and cream... :D
73. Soap: Dove
74. Smiley: :)
75. Board game: Monopoly
76. Sport: Nascar,baseball,football and hockey
77. Number: 8
78. Quote: "I have a weird, God given talent to kick an oblong ball between two poles."~David Akers
79. Animal: Moose
80. Actor: Adam Sandler
81. Actress: Reese Witherspoon
82. Vegetable: corn
83. Fruit: Strawberry
84. Place to be: In my bed, out with friends...
85. Thing in your room: My computer and bed
86. Gum: eclipse
87. Shape: circle
88. Country: United States
89. Mall: KOP
90. Car: my 2000 red Ford Focus SE
91. Boy's name: Craig Robert, Tyler Andrew, Mordecai Ryan, Darryl Andrew...
92. Girl's name: Alexa Rae, Abigail Chrystine, Madison Faith, Mira Paisley, Savannah Grace
93. Family member: Mom
94. Restaurant: Applebee's
95. Movie place: Regal
96. Person to go to the movies with: Any friend.

97. Noise: Hmmm dunno
98. Brand of shoe: Whatever I like
99. Brand of clothing: Amything I like
100. Body part of a chicken: *shrug*
101. Swear word: Whatever one comes out of my mouth
102. Month: October and July
103. Possesion: Dimitri Tertyshny rookie card, my signed Marcus Giles jersey, my David Akers jersey, and my stuffed doll named Violet that my mom's friend made for me when I was 4
104. Team: Philadelphia Eagles, FSU Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, Philadelphia Flyers and Philadelphia Phantoms
105. Season: Fall and Summer
106. Radio station: 92.5, 95.7, 101.1, 104.5
107. Magazine: Dunno
108. Favorite grade: Dunno
109. Least favorite grade: Dunno
110. Teacher: Who cares
111. Least favorite teacher: Who cares
112. Subject: Dunno
113. Subject to talk about: Sports lol

Section Six: Family
114. Who's your mom?: Janet
115. Who's your dad?: Richard
116. Any step-parents?: Nope
117. Any brothers?: Steven(17)
118. Any sisters?: No
119. Most annoying family member: My brother, lol
120. Coolest: My mom
121. Loudest: Brother
122. Best relative: Mom
123. Worse relative: My forever trashed Uncle Bobby. I think I talked to him all but 3 times in my life and maybe once he remembered who I am
124. Do you get along with your parents? Yea.
125. With your siblings? Most of the time
126. Does anyone understand you? What's that suppose to mean?
127. Do you have any pets?: Yes.
128. If so, what kind and name? Two cats named Sammie and Sandi
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?:
130. Can I be a part of your family?: Whatever lol

Section Seven: School
131. Are you still in school?: No
132. Did you drop out?:
133. Your current GPA:
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?:
135. ABC's?: Yea, I know them.
136. Favorite class:
137. Play any sports at school?:
138. Are you popular?:
139. Favorite memory:
140. Most humiliating moment:
141. Most funniest moment:
142. Most scared moment:
143. Your first friend in school:
144. Are you still friends with that person?:

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear..
145. Chicken: Food!
146. Dog: Bark
147. Christina Aguilera: Slut
148. Ricky Martin: Has been
149. 50 cent: Blech
15o. Poop: ew.
151. Beach: Swimming
152. Desert: My grandparents lived in one...sorta
153. Water: wet
154. Osama Bin Ladin: Kill him
155. Love: Something I don't have.
156. Your little brother or sister: Loud
157. Butt: A joke I have with Missy about "Booney"
158. Clowns: To much makeup.
159. Wonder: Thought.
16o. Brown: My eyes
161. Banana: YUCK!
162. Sex: Maybe someday, lmao
163. Parents: Mom and dad
164. Homosexuals: Im friends with one
165. God: Is something I believe in

Section Nine: Do you believe in..
166. God: Yes
167. Heaven: Yes
168. Devil: Yes
169. Hell: Yes
170: Boogy man: Yes
171. Closet Monsters: When I was little I did
172. Fortune tellings: No, but they'd be something cool to get, just for the hell of it.
173. Magic: Not sure
174. Love at first sight: I suppose.
175. Ghosts: Yes
176. Voo-doo dolls: No
177. Reincarnation: Not sure
178. Yourself: Most of the time, no.

Section Ten: Do you..
179. Smoke: No
180. Do drugs: No
181. Drink alcohol: Sometimes
182. Cuss: Yea.
183. Sing in the shower: Yes lol
184. Like school: Dont goto school
185. Want to get married: Yea.
186. Type with all of your fingers: yea.
187. Think you're attractive: Not really.
188. Drink and drive: I drink. I drive. Just not at the same time. I drink responsibly thank you.
189. Snore: No
190. Sleep walk: no
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Yes.

Section Eleven: Have you ever..
192. Flashed someone: There was that one time with Missy, Mandy and I on High Street in Ian's car.... *blushes*
193. Gotten so drunk till you threw up everywhere: No, and I don't plan on it.
194. Told that person how you felt: Yes
195. Been arrested: No
196. Gone to jail or juve: No
197. Skateboarded: No, I'd probably kill myself if I tried.
198. Skinny dipped: No
199. Rock climbed: No
200. Killed someone: No.
201. Watched porn: No
202. Gone on a road trip: Sorta.
203. Went out of the country: No
204. Talked back to an adult: Yea
205. Broken a law: Yes
206. Got pulled over: Yes
207. Tried killing yourself: No
208: Cried to get out of trouble: Yes, but I cry easily, so it was an actual real cry.
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yeah
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No.
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Not sure
213. Moon someone: No
214. Shop-lifted: No
215. Worked at Mc. Donald's: No
216. Eaten a dog: What the fuck....lol
217. Give money to a homeless person: Not directly
218. Glued your hand to yourself: No
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: No
220. Had a one night stand: nope
221. Smoked: nope
222. Done drugs: No
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: No
224. Slap someone for being stupid: No
225. Had cyber sex: No
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: No
227. Caught someone doing something: No
228. Played a game that removes clothing: No
229. Cried during a movie: Yes
230. Cried over someone: Too many times.
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yeah once
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Sorta but not much happened
233. Ran away from home: No
234. Cheated on a test: Once but I wasnt caught

Section Twelve: Would you..
235. Bungee jump: No
236. Sky dive: No.
237. Swim with dolphins: Yea.
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: No
239. Try to be the opposite sex: No.
240. Lie to the police: Depends what about.
241. Run from the police: No, I'm not that stupid.
242. Lie to your parents: If I had to
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: No
244. Be an exotic dancer: Ew, no.
245. Fuck a donkey for 1,000,000: Hell no.

Section Thirteen: Are you..
246. Shy: Sometimes
247. Loud: Oh man, yes.
248. Nice: Yeah
249: Outgoing: Around people I know or in a comfortable situtation.
250: Quiet: Occassionally.
251. Mean: Nah
252. Emotional: Way to much. It takes very little to make me cry.
253. Sensitive: Yes
254. Gay: No
255. Strong: No.
256. Weak: Physically sometimes lol.
257. Caring: Yes
258. Dangerous: Not really.
259. Crazy: Yes.
260. Spotaneous: Sometimes
261. Funny: I try.
262. Sweet: Yes.
263. Sharing: Yeah.
264. Responsible: Yes
265. Trustworthy: Yes
266. Open-minded: Yes
267. Creative: Sorta.
268. Cute: No.
269. Slick: No.
270. Smart: Sometimes
271. Dumb: no
272. Evil: Nah
273. Ghetto: No
274. Classy: No
275. Photogenic: Sure.
276. Dependable: Yeah
277. Greedy: No
278. Ugly: Im not beautiful but Im not ugly either.
279. Messy: Slightly
280. Neat: For the most part
281. Perverted: Ehhh, slightly lol
282. Silly: Sure.
283. A Bitch: I can be
284. A Good Listener: Yes
285. A Fighter: No
286. A Party Animal: No
287. A Game Freak: No
288. A Computer Freak: Yes

Section Fourteen: Future..
289. Dream job: Dunno
290. Dream house: A nice, normal size house in a quiet town
291. Husband/Wife: I plan to have a husband some day, I first need a boyfriend...
292. Kids: Hopefully 3 girls lol, but if I am to have a boy, Id want him to be the youngest.
293. Names: I went through this already in that favorites section.
294. Pets: 4 or 5 cats
295. Car: Don't know.
296. Age you would want to get married: Around 23-25
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: Bridesmaids would be Missy, Kim, Katie, Janine and Katrina. Maid of honor is Krissy. We promised lol.
298. Honeymoon: A cruise :D

Section Fifteen: Your friends..
299. Bestfriend(s): Many
300. Known the longest: Krissy
301. Craziest: Mandy
302. Loudest: Missy
303. Shyest: Katie
304. Best hair: Janine
305. Best eyes: WWG(Chris)
306. Best body: Um, yea. I don't think about that...
307. Most Atheletic: Katie
308. Hot-Tempered: Missy
309. Most Janine
311. Tallest: Chris
312. Skinniest: Katie
313. Best singer: Janine and Mandy
314. Funniest: Antaeus
315. Can always make you laugh: Chris ("Mrs. Staley" is NOT my name!)
316. Wish you talked to more: Mandy
317. Wish you saw more: Mandy
318. Who drives you insane after a while:Not sure
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: Not sure
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': No
321. Whose always been there when you need them: BJ. He never failed me since the moment I met him. He is my "therapist", and a good friend.
322. Who is like your family: BJ is like the big brother I never had
323. How many friends do you have? A nice amount
324. How many are really close? 8-10

Section Sixteen: The last..
325. Thing you ate: Dish of ice cream
326. Thing you drank: Water
327. Thing you wore: What I'm wearing now... Jeans, and my Flyers shirt that is like a baseball jersey
328. Thing you did: Found maps of NJ to show Angie where I live.
329. Place you went: Target
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: My ears when I was 2, lol
331. Person you saw: My mom
332. Person you hugged: My mom
333. Person you kissed: Essam
334. Person you fucked: No one.
335. Person you talked to online: Kaytee
336. Person you talked to on the phone: Probably Chris
337. Song you heard: "No end in sight"~Katrina Elam
338. Show you saw: A rerun of "Full house"
339. Time you fought with your parents: I don't know
340. Time you fought with a friend: Dunno
341. Words you said: Sure
342. Party you went to: I dunno

Section Seventeen: Now
343. What are you eating: Nothing
344. What are you drinking: Nothing
345. What are you thinking:I sure hope the Eagles win on Sunday
346. What are you wearing: I described this already.
347. What are you doing: This survey, listening to music, and IMing David
348. Any shoes on: Nope.
349. Hair: Down, like always.
350. Mood: Bored
351. Listening to: "No end in sight"~Katrina Elam
352. Talking to anyone: David
353. Watching anything: Sorta. My TV is on mute

Section Eighteen: Yes or No
354. Are you a vegetarian: No
355. Are you a carnivore: No
356. Are you heterosexual: Yes
357. Do you like penguins: Yes, they're very cute. But unlike Matt, I dont have a stuffed one.
358. Do you write poetry: Song lyrics. Not poems
359. Do you see stupid people: Sure.
360. You + Me = Us: Nah
361. Do you like the Osbournes: No
362. Can you see flying pigs: Yes cause Boston won the World Series
363. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No
364. Are you from Afghanistan: No
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: No
366. Are you a zombie: No
367. Am I annoying you: Yea.
368. Do you bite your nails: Yes
369. Can you cross your eyes: No
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: Sometimes.
371. Have you touched someone's private part: I am not talking about this LMAO!

Section Nineteen: This or That
372. Winter or Summer: Summer
373. Spring or Fall: Fall
374. Shakira or Britney: Shakira rocks
375. MTV or VH1: VH1
376. Black or White: Black
377. Yellow or Pink: Neither? Yellow
378. Football or Basketball: Football.
379. Cellphone or Pager: Cell
380. Pen or Pencil: Pen
381. Cold or Hot: Hot
382. Tattoos or Piercings: Piercings
383. Inside or Outside: Outside, although I spend most of my time inside.
384. Weed or Alcohol: Alcohol
385. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
386. Tape or Glue: Tape
387. Mc. Donald`s or In-n-Out: In-n-Out? What's that? McDonalds..

Section Twenty: Opinions..
388. What do you think about classical music: Boring
389. About boy bands: Used to like them
390. About suicide: Fucked up
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: Idiots
392. About teen pregnancy: Oh well
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Hopefully married
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: I have no clue.
395. About gay men: They're normal people.

Section Twenty-One: Random..
396. Do you have a website: Yea.
397. Current weather right now: Cold
398. Current time: Get a watch
399. Any shout outs: Hello
400. Last thoughts: EAGLES RULE! KURT BUSCH SUCKS!



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