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Funny to see him there, not really!
8:53 p.m. - 2004-09-29

Today I got off work at 230 and afterwards, I decided to swing by Target before I had to be home so my mom and I could go to the dentist appointment at 5.

So I am browsing around aimlessly at CD's and didn't see any I really wanted or needed. So then I went over to the toy section to look and see if there were any Nascar diecasts I wanted.

And then around a corner was this load of boxes being pushed on a cart and I stopped to let it go by, only to find out Justin was the one pushing it.

Ok, Id be lying if I said I wasnt going there to hope to bump into him. Even though I am a Target-aholic! LOL! He asked what brought me by, and I said I was killing time before I had to goto a dentist appointment. He also asked how work was, and then I asked if he was going to the midnight bowling event on Monday at Limerick Bowl(No, this is not the bowling alley BJ is at). I already knew he was, but I asked anyway, you know...to give off an impression that I wanted to know if I would see him there or not. I said Id try to get in his lane on Monday night and he said that'd "be really cool!". Sweet!

Oh! I almost forgot! On October 4th, right next to Applebees'...a Texas Roadhouse is opening and we got a few invites for their VIP night on Friday. The invites are for groups of 6. So me and some girls from work(Lisa, Alyssa, Amy,Stacey and Ashley) are going at 8:15, the time of the invite. They have dancing and all kinds of shit there and it should be fun. But Im more looking forward to Monday night bowling and hanging out with Justin.

Work tomorrow means seeing Evan. If he asks why I left so soon the other night, Im just gonna say we are from two totally different worlds. Which technically is true.

I realized there are a bunch of TV show DVD's I want. My mom knows I want the Boy Meets World season 1, and season 2. Season 2 comes out in November. I also want the Family Guy ones. I began watching 7th Heaven on the Family Channel at night and I like it, so Im gonna add the season 1 DVD set to my wish list too.

Braves won today, and manager Bobby Cox got his 2,00th managerial win! Wooohoo! Like anyone besides me cares about that, right?



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