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More than I can chew
4:07 p.m. - 2004-09-23

I knew it would be a bad day when I couldn't find my black socks for work and had to go fucking buy a new pair at Marshalls'.


Then I goto Chick Fil A for breakfast cause I didnt have to be at work till 1045 today. And I showed up at 1020. And I see Evan. Evan is the guy that almost everyone thinks of as a total jackass. But I give the guy a chance, and he really is a good person. And today I think I got myself into more than I bargained for.

He asked if I can drive him into town real quick before we start work so he can pick up his apron at someone's house. Ok no problem. Then I get some stories.

About how his apron is at this girl Kim's apartment, a girl we work with. He really likes her a lot. He broke up with his g/f and now he likes Kim.

Well we get to Kim's apartment and he comes STORMING out of there and he come sin my car and is all teary eyed and obviously on the verge of losing it. I ask him what's wrong. Turns out Kim wasn't expecting him and she was in her bed with another guy. He just kept losing it and I felt so horrible for him so I pulled over and he just kept hugging me and saying he hasnt felt this way about a girl in so long and that she means a lot to him.

Before we went back into work, we sat down in the grassy hill across the parking lot and he just kept holding onto me and saying how sorry he is for losing it like this and I am too good of a person. And then he takes some pill out of his pocket and asks me to not tell anyone at work that he is taking an anxiety pill prescription. He said he is a recovered heroine addict and he has been totally clean for 4 years now and sometimes he needs an anxiety pill, but that only happens like every other month or so.(Taking a pill that is) He is a genuinely good person and he asked me if I could take him home from work today. I said no problem. And before we got into my car, he wanted to know if it was ok if he smoked a cigarette before he got into my car because he knows I dont smoke, and he doesnt want to smoke in a non smokers' car. As he was doing that, I put my apron in my trunk and he looked in my trunk and said I had a nice stereo system(A 10 CD changer!). After he finished and I shut my trunk, he gave me such a big hug and thanked me for being a great person and putting up with him today, and asked for my number if he ever needs anything or someone to listen to him and I gave that to him.

I can't fall for him. I just can't. I can't let myself bite off more than I can chew.



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