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5:45 p.m. - 2004-06-17

Adrienne~Carside girl who I barely know.

Alyssa-She used to be a bitch but she actually isnt that bad

Amy-Girl I work with who is always cheerful and cool to chat with. Gotta love the dayshift server crew! Wooohoo! She also bartends. GO FLYERS!!!!WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Ashley B.- Very cool girl who works on carside and as a server. She is a regular laugh box.

Ashley D.-Carside girl. I really dont know her so I have not much to say. Dating Bill, my "Apple brother". Ashley G.-I used to shun her cause she acted like Queen bitch but she isnt too bad either. Dating Justin.

Ashley H.-Expo girl. I really cant stand her. Bekki~"Little Bekki", is a great person to work with, we all love her. One of the favorite servers to have on the floor, and guests love her. She once had a pair of goggles she found and told this guy she'd buy him dessert if he wore them throughout the whole meal. *LOL* And he did!

Bill-A server who is my "Apple brother". He is alwyas a blast to talk to and always makes me laugh.

Bruce-My favorite manager, it takes a LOT to get him mad and in my mind he is the most easygoing of the 5 managers.

Chris-A cook who is freaking hysterical. He always is joking around with Lisa and I in the mornings. Dork :) He is one of the nicest people I work with.

Colleen~Dayshift host who is Alyssa's younger sister. She is one of my favorites cause she knows what the hell she is doing!

Dan~Nightshift server who now bartends a little bit too. Nice guy.

David aka "Cupcake"-Nightshift host who we call Cupcake. I dont know why. We just do!

Dave- Another cook. He is always complaining and blaming everything on the servers.

Diana-Server and the #1 at the top of the carside food chain. Younger sister of my writing rival from high school, Amanda. I dont like her very much.

Ellen-Manager who is mostly the manager of the front of house workers. Very nice person

Gretchen-Server, expo, fill in manager, and bartender that works nights. Very nice person.

Jake- "Jakey". I used to goto elementary school with him and he remembered me and we are now close and love to talk when we see each other at work. Gotta love him! He is just as awesome as he was when I last saw him like 11 or 12 years ago.

Jess~Host who works days during the summers. HOST LOVE! *lol* Jim-My general manager. He is hit or miss. He isnt too bad though.

Justin-He is a Cowboys fan, a Rangers(baseball, not hockey) fan, and works only Fridays and Sundays at Applebees. Works the other days at Target. Im a Target-aholic and he said he has seen me there many times lol. He is so awesome. Dating Ashley G.

Kaitlyn aka "Noodle"-One of the coolest hostesses we have

Karen-Bartender who now only has a few dayshifts, and now works a few night shifts. She is my "other Apple mom"

Kat-Really cool person who is now a bartender and serves Sunday nights and is usually the night shift back of house closer.

Katie- Girl who I went to school with. Has an ADORABLE 4 year old girl named Kirsten Michelle. She and her family and her now husband were regular customers at my old job. Married to the cook named Mahmoud.

Kema-Server/Carside girl. Used to be a host

Kevin-One of the cooks who works both days and nights. He is one of my FAVORITE people to work with, and he can always make me laugh. The only mornings I ever get to work with him lately are Mondays...sucks!

Lindsey-The coolest "Twinkie"(Host/Hostess). She went to school with my brother.

Lisa-One of my fellow dayshift servers who is also my "Apple Mommy". She rocks.

Liz-Pain in the ass hostess

Mahmoud-Cook who is married to Katie

Matt-This is the Matt that I always talk about. I worked on training with when before we opened. He is really hot, and looks like the country singer, Josh Turner. He has a g/f unfortunely. He is my sarcastic partner in crime though. Fellow Braves fan!!!

Matt-Nightshift host

Mike~Kitchen manager who is funny as all hell. He barks at random, and runs around making animal noises in the morning. Sometimes he worries me. His record for telling me to shut up in one day is 11 times. *LOL*

Phil~The newest manager to join us. He rocks! He actually cares about the entire staff and takes the time to get to know all of us. He is one of the people you'd want to go up and be friends with. Great person.

Susan aka "Super"-One of the night shift closing servers. She is so awesome.

Tina-Nightshift bartender

Tonya-Dayshift server who is my buddy. She is a blast to work with.

Val-One of the nightshift servers who is very nice. Unlike some of them! Haha

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