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What a voice sounds like
5:32 p.m. - 2005-02-10

It was an interesting day. Amy, Lisa and I got our manager, Ellen, to put on the country music station on the satellite radio. It was a blast. Course we pissed off Kevin, the fryside cook with our singing cause he hates country music "more than the dentist". Amy was impatient for a Keith Urban song to come on and one finally did ("Days go by") and she was very excited.

When Adam came in, he started singing like crazy to every song that came on. None of us pictured him as a country fan, lol. And when "Should've been a cowboy" came on, he not only sang, but did a little dance. Lisa and I busted out laughing at him, lol.

Later about 1130, we had to switch the radio dial to something else, unfortunetly.

And I was singing along to my favorite song of all time ("Take my breath away") when I had no tables. And Adam said "Stop." And I said "Huh?" He plugs his ears and says "That singing. Stop it, you sound like a dying cat." And I said "Excuse me, I was in all musical in school and was one of the better singers in my class so if you want to tell me I suck, then leave me alone." And I stormed off, cause I dont get hurt easily but I know singing is the one thing I am actually good at and he pissed me off. About 10 minutes later I walked by a table he was bussing and he said "Im sorry Jules, I was just messing with you." And my reply was "Its fine." and I walked off. But he put his hand on my shoulder and said "I really am sorry, dont be mad at your buddy Adam." I shook my head and just walked away. I didnt talk to him for the rest of the hour that was left in my shift. I will be my normal self tomorrow when I work. I was pissed at him, grrrr.

Ok time for dinner.



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