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Dumbo the Floppy Eared Race car driver article...and the new cell!
7:16 p.m. - 2004-05-26

Someone on the Sterling Marlin message board posted this article they found on a website,and I absolutely love it and I dont care who likes or doesn't like it. Cause I do. So ha!


Why I hate Kurt Busch and why you should too

By Todd Berger

LastCowboys.com Staff Writer

That�s right. My mission for the remainder of my time as a columnist (I don�t dare say journalist) on the Internet or on paper or on this planet is to inform and educate the great unwashed and let them know who the real devil is, and his name is Kurt Busch.

And before you Busch apologists start up, just save it. If this were an isolated incident or just �another� incident or accident, that would be one thing. But Kurt has shown a history, a pattern of behavior if you will, that shows how little he respects his co-drivers.

What Kurt did wasn�t a simple mistake. He made a decision based on his lack of respect for his teammate and the rest of his competitors, and decided that it was okay to cause such an accident.

Then, after it was all said and done, Kurt took �a few minutes� to compose himself in the transporter. By compose himself, he meant that he had to sit down with the Irwin Tools / Rubbermaid and Roush Racing spin-doctors and craft some sort of semi-plausible explanation for his ridiculous behavior. And what, pray tell, did he and that brain trust come up with?

�(Biffle) got a run on (Kenseth) coming out of four and I just wanted to help him usher down the front straightaway, but the way our noses are pinned and the tails are up with the stiff rear springs, our car lifted his instead of pushing him. It�s just an all-star type bump where you just want to try and help him. He�s a teammate of mine and I didn�t mean to wreck him. I apologize for all the wrecked racecars out on pit road.�


You are blaming the wrecking of half the field on high rear ends and low noses? Why not blame it on gas prices and terrorism while you�re at it?

To claim that he was trying to �help� Biffle by employing an �all-star type of bump� would be laughable if it weren�t so absurd and insulting to the dozens of men and women that built, prepared, and drove the cars involved in the accident. He turned a car at the front of the field, a teammate�s car no less, on the straightaway. Watch the replay again and tell me it�s anything other than that. Biffle didn�t break and he didn�t brake and he didn�t pull over. He simply drove in the path that his teammate decided was his.

As for his past, one of his other famous run-ins was also at NASCAR�s All Star race, this time with Robby Gordon. Busch blatantly wrecked the 31 car on the backstretch at speed, and when asked later in the evening why he did it, Busch said �we needed a caution so I made one for us.� And he said it live and on TV. No misquotes and no misinterpretations. Ever since then, Robby Gordon has been a rather vocal antagonist of Busch.

Kurt�s problems began long before Spencer-gate at Michigan last year, but they reached their penultimate height that day. The same geniuses that helped him craft Saturday night�s statement were the same people that tried to explain away the radio transmission Kurt made to his crew chief in which he admitted his �mistake.�

His team owner and management then claimed that Kurt was assaulted without provocation and went as far as to press charges against Mister Spencer for the poke in the snoot he gave Busch while the diminutive Nevada native was still strapped into his car. What Jack Roush DIDN�T tell you was that Kurt brake checked Spencer all the way to the transporters, then stopped his car in front of Jimmy�s hauler and wouldn�t move, claiming to be out of gas. When implored by Spencer to get out of the car, Busch waffled and called Spencer names and insulted him, and got a jab in the snoot for his trouble.

Then, after NASCAR quietly intervened and told Jack and Kurt and all parties involved to put a collective sock in it and end it immediately, the �undroppable� charges in Michigan suddenly went away.

Spencer was subsequently suspended for his favorite race weekend, while Busch was allowed to drive at Bristol in the fall of 2003. (If you think that Busch NOT being suspended for the weekend of the SHARPIE 500 was a coincidence or dumb luck and not directly related to the fact that the race sponsor was his primary sponsor, then I have some land I�d like to sell you�)

Anyway, Spencer fumed and Busch raced, only to see Busch AGAIN take out a fellow driver who was pulling over to let him go by, in this case it was Sterling Marlin. Busch insisted it was accidental and that he was sorry. The crowd reaction after the race told you what the fans thought.

Kurt Busch is an immensely talented driver who is clearly popular with his own fans, but at some point, even as a Kurt Busch fan, a person has to ask him or herself if it�s worth it? The guy is arrogance personified and has shown that there is no limit to what he will do to win, even if it includes lying cheating and intentionally risking the lives of others on the track.

Kurt has been coddled as a driver since early on (as most drivers are), and clearly the people that brought Kurt up in the sport and got him to this point tolerated this behavior if only to a lesser degree. It doesn�t surprise me that this is a guy found and fostered by Jack Roush, one of the sport�s greatest whiners of all time.

It�s funny. Kurt�s younger brother Kyle (who drives for Rick Hendrick and NASCAR�s other evil empire) seems humble and more mature than his smaller �big� brother, despite his lack of experience.

I enjoyed Robby Gordon�s remarks after the race when he said �I�m just sorry I couldn�t get to Busch before he got to everybody else.�

Robby also said (I am paraphrasing here) �I have driven for Jack Roush. I expect that their Tuesday meeting should be entertaining.�

Entertaining for Kurt, who will continue to be cleared of any and all accusations of bad behavior by his owner at the expense of other all drivers, in this case even his own teammate.

I further expect that this weekend and its fallout have lit the fuse for a not-getting-any-younger Greg Biffle to begin quietly looking for his next Cup ride. His future certainly isn�t at Roush with the likes of Kurt Busch as a teammate.

It�s a pity that such a quality ride and quality sponsorship has to be taken up by such a loathsome young man who, at this point, has shown absolutely no interest in learning from his mistakes and being a better driver and person in the future. He is nothing more than a punk.

Hate him with me, won�t you?


I already have a feeling that some people wont like the article. Oh well. This is my diary, no one else's.*grins* I just like this article and I agree with it 200000000%!!!!!!!

Oh! Got my new cell phone today! Its a color flip phone and I adore it lol.

Braves arent on TV tonight, damn it. So I will sit around on my lazy ass and watch the Mets/Phils and A's/Red Sox. Its tough to pick who I want to win the Phils and Mets game cause see, the Phils are tied for 1st, but the Mets are 1 game ahead of Atlanta. My decision is to root for Philly, so the Braves can close in on the Mets, and in turn have a chance to really close in when they face Philly this weekend. And as many of you well know, Im gonna be at the game on Saturday and I couldnt be happier! :D

Ok Im gonna lay down and spend some quality time with my TV and become a bigger baseball junkie than I already am, and mess with my new cell phone features :D


da2kokib and al19fl


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